9:00 AM09:00

Highgate Festival Video 2020

 Below is a video which was created in 2020 for the Highgate Festival. Click the link

The focus is on Highgate Allotments, the people who dwell within and own a plot, plus the reasons they choose to be part of the allotment movement. What is interesting is this video was made around the time of Covid-19 and UK lockdown, a time when finding green space with social distancing was short in supply.

Highgate allotments provided a healthy outlet for people throughout this time.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KIUVhLZPxec" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Highgate Allotments Summer Barbecue and Plant Sale
12:00 PM12:00

Highgate Allotments Summer Barbecue and Plant Sale

All tenants and family/friends are welcome to the Highgate Allotments Summer Barbecue Party and Plant Sale, 12 noon - 4pm, located at the BBQ Area opposite the Site Shed. Bring your burgers, veggies (separate BBQ provided for veggie food only) and favourite food and our expert team will be on hand to cook it for you! Plus, we'll be holding another Plant Sale, Cakes/Preserves Sale and Seed Swap, with proceeds split between the Harington Scheme, our local gardening charity, and HAA. 

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10:00 AM10:00


Another delivery of good quality eco-compost has been booked for Friday 12 October 2018. Please would plotholders adhere to the suggested maximum of FIVE barrowloads per plot, so that there is hopefully a good stock left at the weekend for Mon-Fri workers.

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Highgate Allotment Association AGM
7:30 PM19:30

Highgate Allotment Association AGM

Highgate Primary School Hall, Storey Road entrance.

Please arrive by 7.15pm to get sat down. The meeting will start at 7.30pm.

All tenants are invited to attend your Allotment Association's Annual General Meeting. Improvements and problems over the last year will be discussed, our financial position explained and the Election of Committee members for the coming year will take place.

This is your opportunity to meet the committee and other tenants, and to make your voice heard.

See AGM 2018 section of the "Documents" page of this website for more information.

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to Jan 29

Manure delivery

Highgate Allotment Association have arranged for the delivery of twenty tons of rotted horse manure this Saturday morning (28 January) at 9.30 am. Tenants are welcome to take up to ten barrow-loads at the nominal charge of just 50p per barrow-load. Payment should be made on an “honesty” basis by posting your cash into the small committee posting-box on the right-hand side of the HAA Shed. This will be emptied daily.
If after a week or two there is still a good stock, we will post a notice on the Shed inviting tenants to collect up to a further ten barrow-loads, and so on until it is all distributed. Thanks to Dan Hackett for organising this excellent resource.

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to Mar 13


  • Google Calendar ICS

HAA will be holding a grand Spring Sale of Shed stock during the weekend of Sat-Sun 12-13 March 2016. There will be bargains! The Shed will be open for sales between 10am and 4pm on both days, staffed by Committee members. You can pay for purchases in cash or by cheque. Print Poster here.

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